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Just Keep Going_Differences


-@ The Facility for The Other Project X in The Other Art Fair by SaachiArt


-Hemp yarn + Structures in the site


-Installed from the pathways through the entrance hall to the exhibition area


-Participatory collaboration with the visitors

The composition of the woven yarns represents how our lives exist in this world in rhzomatic way without structures nor hierarchy, moving beyond language and culture to build connectedness. The formation of the yarn has no beginning and no end. It transforms depending on the standing points of the viewers, which means that we all are living in different lives with different senses of values developed by different cultural, political, religious, racal, social, generational and gender backgrounds.

Just Keep Going' offered a participatory collaboration to the visitors, which encourages the people to experience their connection to the differences of the others. The audience are asked to prepare and add a yarn to the artwork to represent their uniqueness/differences in connecting it to the universe of others. Before installing the yarn, the participants are facilitated by the instruction to think about who they are , where they are in their life (physically and mentally) and think about their friends, their family, their school/work, their community, people that have passed and how we are all connected on this planet earth. The images of the below show how this project was developed during the art fair.

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