Just Keep Going_Becoming:Layers of Life
-Zeljko Radic and Ryoko Kose
-@ Enrich Interiors for West Projection Festival
-Hemp yarn + Structures in the site + Projection
-@Post Industrial Design for West Projection Festival
-Hemp yarn + Structures and Objucts in the site + Projection
The simple yarn sculpture installed in the shop window space transforms into the projection installation with many layers after dark by being projected the animation consists of the organic movements of the patterns. The real yarn itself gain another layer: the shadow of the yarn on the wall behind. The synthesis of all the elements invites the viewers to experience multipleness of layers in life in the universe.
The composition of the woven yarns represents how our lives exist in this world in rhzomatic way without structures nor hierarchy, moving beyond language and culture to build connectedness. The formation of the yarn has no beginning and no end. It transforms depending on the standing points of the viewers, which means that we all are living in different lives with different senses of values developed by different cultural, political, religious, racal, social, generational and gender backgrounds.
We all live in this world simultaneously, however, we all are living in different lives with different senses of value developed by different cultural, political, religious, racal, social, generational and gender backgrounds. Each person chooses FACTS which he/she wants to believe through his/her own judgement in his/her life. The difference among people sometimes gives us the feeling as if we lived in an alternative reality from the person next to us even though he/she is very close person to us like parent/child and partner. That feeling might confuse us if we live in non/FICTIONAL world. Furthermore that feeling sometimes could cause various kind of conflicts. Experiencing rhizomatic concept might encourage people accept the difference of the life between them, which helps us problem solve in our real life.